SGI Crimson in Jurassic Park (1993)
The Crimson is in the control centre.
"It's a Unix system - I know this!"
Although the file manager portayed at the time did not exist, it was subsequently written and released.

JD Forius
FSN did exist at the time the movie was made, and it in fact will not run on newer 64-bit SGIs, only older 32-bit machines like the Iris Indigo, Iris Crimson, and R5K O2s.
2009-05-13 16:45
"FSN did exist at the time the movie was made, and it in fact will not run on newer 64-bit SGIs, only older 32-bit machines like the Iris Indigo, Iris Crimson, and R5K O2s. 2009-05-13 17:45:26" Incorrect, it will run on 64-bit SGIs. Just to check I downloaded it (just now) from the Siliconbunny mirror and fired it up on my Fuel R16000/700 under IRIX 6.5.30: runs fine!!
2009-05-28 14:19
Keith Virge
Like the other commenter's said, FSN did exist before the movie was made. It was made as a demo to show off SGI computers to potential buyers. It was originally written and compiled to run on irix 4 (and 5) for 32-bit mips processors on systems like the indigo or crimson. It was later re-compiled to run on newer 64-bit processors running irix 6. If you do some searching online you will find the original binary as well as the recompiled binary for 64-bit systems. When I watched jurassic park for the first time I thought it was fake as well.
2009-09-24 12:56
Just brought home a Crimson tonight! Won it at a Gov. auction and it's from 1992, so it was around at the same time that they were filming JP. Also have the same monitor and keyboard as seen in the film. Can't wait to fire it up!
2009-12-15 08:33
On screen they show a machine with 4 cpu's running; the Crimson was only able to take a single R4k processor. The machine used here was probably a prop; the lights are not even on!
2010-06-18 09:05