Commodore Amiga 2000 in Miami Vice - Season 5, Episode 3, "Heart of Night" (1988)
Santiago looks up cargo shipments on an Amiga 2000 at the police department.

Santiago looks up cargo shipments on an Amiga 2000 at the police department.
I thought Miami Vice had paint the Amiga black? Maybe that was the one used on Bones?
2017-07-26 13:02
@jtarheel I remember the same thing. I think early on they painted Amiga 1000 models black. I just can't remember what episodes.
2021-02-12 16:52
That's not Saundra Santiago (Gina) sitting at the desk - it's Trudy Joplin played by actress Olivia Brown.
2023-07-09 10:17