Compaq Deskpro 386N in The Last Seduction II (1999)
Bridget uses the company's Compaq 386N to skim off the profits and transferr them to her bank account.

Bridget uses the company's Compaq 386N to skim off the profits and transferr them to her bank account.
This was our first Dos/Windows box as a kid. Great little box, only bad part is the 256k of vid memory so you were stuck with max 16 colors in Windows.
2015-06-12 22:45
Even in 1999 this would have been a bog-slow computer to skim anything off of anything else.
2016-11-02 09:28
I worked at Compaq from 1988-1992 and was heavily involved with development diagnostics software for the 386N.
2022-11-11 13:36
The ‘N’ in 386N originally stood for ‘Node’ and the intent was to sell systems with no disk drives; no hard drive, no floppy, nothing. The intent was that it would boot over the network from a server. So, in order to use the Compaq supplied diagnostics diskette, we came up with a method to load diagnostics from another PC via serial or parallel ports. It was a fun project, but I’m not sure how many were sold with no floppy drive.
2022-11-17 11:14