Hunter - Season 7, Episode 8, "The Usual Suspects" (1990)
The department's IT expert tracks down the source of the computer problem using his Z150.

The Z150 was an IBM PC XT compatible computer from Zenith.
•Hunter - Season 7, Episode 8, "The Usual Suspects" (1990) •Killing Birds (1987) •Metamorphosis (1990) •Rosalie Goes Shopping (1989)
The department's IT expert tracks down the source of the computer problem using his Z150.
The computer-carrying member of the group uses a Zenith PC for animation before the field trip.
The scientist's lab computer that controls his experiments is a Zenith Z150.
Rosalie buys the Z150 as a birthday present for her daughter, but starts using it herself. Soon she is hacking into other computers and building a business empire.
The machine is described as a "276" and the on-screen display is a bit fanciful but it all seems to be well within the capabilities of the machine.