Computer Ghosts (1988)
Harlan has a rather broken looking Apple Lisa on his desk.

Released in 1983, the Lisa was the first commercially produced personal computer to feature a graphical user interface, although the high price and sluggish performance limited it success.
•Computer Ghosts (1988) •Jobs (2013) •The Littlest Hobo - Season 5, Episode 13, "The Genesis Tapes" (1984) •Meatballs III: Summer Job (1986) •Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) •Steve Jobs (2015)
Harlan has a rather broken looking Apple Lisa on his desk.
Much to the concern of the board, Steve becomes obsessed by the development of the Apple Lisa, sinking much of the companies resources into it.
The pair use an Apple Lisa to investigate the likely movements and capabilities of a highly evolved canine.
Known only as "The Love Goddess", the sister of Rudy's Boss, and the object of everyone's desire, is in fact studying for a PhD using an Apple Lisa.
Microsoft get hold of an Apple Lisa and Bill Gates is furious about how advanced it is compared to their product.
An Apple Lisa appears backstage at the Mac launch.