The American President (1995)
The President's campaign team uses a number of Compaq Conturas as they work on getting the crime bill passed.

The Contura 4/25cx was a 486 powered laptop with a built-in trackball released in 1994.
•The American President (1995) •Copycat (1995) •Drop Zone (1994) •Erin Brockovich (2000) •Friends - Season 2, Episode 8, "The One with the List" (1995) •Murder, She Wrote - Season 10, Episode 5, "A Virtual Murder" (1993) •Ri¢hie Ri¢h (1994) •Senseless (1998)
The President's campaign team uses a number of Compaq Conturas as they work on getting the crime bill passed.
Helen Hudson, the agoraphobic psychologist, uses a Contura 4/25cx as part of the variety of computer equipment in her apartment.
The hacker uses a Compaq Contura 4/25cx to hack into the DEA's computers.
A lawyer from a larger law firm that Ed Masry brings in to assist with the case uses a Contura 4/25cx.
Ross is proud of his new Contura laptop and uses it to write the list.
Jessica uses a Compaq Contura to do last minute rewrites of the game's script.
Richie has a Compaq Contura in his room and, along with his classmates, uses one at school.
Darryl's girlfriend has a Compaq Contura.