The Beachcombers - Season 16, Episode 9, "Silicon Smith and the Wall of Death" (1988)
Jordon uses a Zenith Z-181 with an illicit hookup to a phone line to perform his hacking.

The 181 was a early MS-DOS compatible laptop computer with strange pop-up floppy disk drives.
•The Beachcombers - Season 16, Episode 9, "Silicon Smith and the Wall of Death" (1988) •The Beachcombers - Season 17, Episode 7, "Computer Error" (1988) •Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise (1987)
Jordon uses a Zenith Z-181 with an illicit hookup to a phone line to perform his hacking.
Rival hack Kimberley uses a Zenith Z-151 for her hacking activities.
Gilbert, unable to attend the convention because of a broken leg, communicates with the nerds using his Zenith 181.