Battlestar Galactica - Season 1 (1979)
A number of 4051s appear on the Battlestar Galactica, their primary function being to display the ongoing attacks of the Cylons.

The 405x series of microcomputers where produces by Tektronix from the late 1970s and featured the same storage tube display used in their 4014 terminals.
•Battlestar Galactica - Season 1 (1979) •D.A.R.Y.L. (1985) •Seksmisja (1984)
A number of 4051s appear on the Battlestar Galactica, their primary function being to display the ongoing attacks of the Cylons.
Tektronix 4501s appear in the military research centre.
The facility in which the men are imprisoned has a Tektronix 4051 in its control room.