Miami Vice - Season 3, Episode 8, "Better Living Through Chemistry" (1986)
The chemist uses a Kaypro Robie to help him make the synthetic cocaine.

Based on the Kaypro 4, the Robie was the only non-portable CP/M system that Kaypro built. It was not a successful machine, perhaps because of its notoriously unreliable floppy drives.
•Miami Vice - Season 3, Episode 8, "Better Living Through Chemistry" (1986) •Miami Vice - Season 3, Episode 11, "Forgive Us Our Debts" (1986) •Tales from the Darkside - Season 2, Episode 1, "The Impressionist" (1984)
The chemist uses a Kaypro Robie to help him make the synthetic cocaine.
There are a number of Kaypro Robies at the campaign offices of the DA.
The logo has been removed.
The government scientists use a Kaypro Robie to interpret the alien's attempts a communication.