Alf - Season 2, Episode 18, "Someone to Watch Over Me: Part 2" (1988)
There is an Amiga 500 in the home of the Tanners.

This was Commodore's first low-end Amiga, and also its most popular, particularly in Europe. Production starting in 1987 and was not discontinued until 1991.
•Alf - Season 2, Episode 18, "Someone to Watch Over Me: Part 2" (1988) •Avalon (2001) •Betrayed (1988) •Bodo - Eine ganz normale Familie (1989) •Ebba och Didrik - Season 1, Episode 3 (1990) •Flipper - Season 2, Episode 1, "The White Dolphin" (1996) •The Gods Must Be Crazy II (1989) •Kill Daddy Goodnight (2009) •Leviathan (1989) •Metamorphosis: The Alien Factor (1990) •Midnight Follies - The Crystal Ball (1994) •My Secret Identity - Season 1, Episode 1, "My Secret Identity" (1988) •The Rachel Papers (1989) •Robot Ninja (1989) •Stepfather III (1992) •Underground: The Julian Assange Story (2012)
There is an Amiga 500 in the home of the Tanners.
The computer that Ash uses to interact with the game master is a modified Amiga 500.
Gary uses the A500 to store details about the terrorist group and to communicate with its members over the internet.
Communication between group members, and evidence collected from the computer are important parts of the plot.
This represents one of the first largely accurate uses of the internet in film (although there's some dodgy speech synthesis going on).
Bodo has an Amiga 500 in his room that he uses to control the process of creating his clone.
Mårten shows Ebba some games on his Amiga 500.
The full-screen video with speech synthesis seems a bit far fetched.
Quinn uses an Amiga 500 to identify the leader of the gang.
Ann's assistant uses an Amiga 500.
Ratz uses his Amiga 500 to write his games.
Bowman uses a Commodore Amiga to check the price of her shares.
Amiga 500s appear in the lab where they are used during the investigation of the scientists plight, and in a particle accelerator that is eventually used to try and reverse the effects of the infection.
Grandpa John buys an Amiga 500 that comes with a mysterious program called Crystal Ball.
Andrew has an Amiga 500 in his bedroom.
Charles uses the Amiga to store his file on Rachel, and plan his seduction of her. He also plays Battle Chess.
Huge fonts abound in the made-for-the-movies operating system.
Doctor Goodknight plays a game on his Amiga 500 before building Lennie his Robot Ninja suit.
Andy, the handicapped child, uses his A500 to discover the true identity of his new stepfather.
"Trax" gets Julian an Amiga 500 to allow his to hack more efficiently.