984: Prisoner of the Future (1982)
Tom uses a PET at work and later more PETs appear in various places in the prison.

This was Commodore's first full-scale computer, and the first all-in-one computer to market (1977). Limited graphics and a poor "chicklet" keyboard limited its success although it did fair well in the US, Canadian and UK education market.
•984: Prisoner of the Future (1982) •A Man, a Woman, and a Bank (1979) •The A-Team - Season 2, Episode 20, "Harder Than It Looks" (1984) •Airwolf - Season 2, Episode 2, "Firestorm" (1984) •Airwolf - Season 2, Episode 12, "Condemned" (1985) •Automata (2014) •Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Season 2, Episode 6, "Mark of the Saurian" (1981) •Devs - Season 1, Episode 3 (2020) •The Fast Show - Season 2, Episode 1, "Oh" (1996) •Fringe - Season 3, Episode 15, "Subject 13" (2011) •Guy X (2005) •Incubo sulla città contaminata (1980) •Jobs (2013) •The Kidnapping of the President (1980) •Knight Rider - Season 3, Episode 14, "Junk Yard Dog" (1985) •Knight Rider - Season 4, Episode 3, "Sky Knight" (1985) •Look Around You - Season 1 (2002) •Look Around You - Season 2, Episode 5, "Computers" (2005) •Pennyworth - Season 3, Episode 2, "Many Clouds" (2022) •The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E.: The Fifteen Years Later Affair (1983) •Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan (1982) •Street Hawk - Season 1, Episode 1 (1985) •Supertrain - Season 1, Episode 1, "Express to Terror" (1979) •Trudeau (2002) •Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) •Wrong Is Right (1982)
Tom uses a PET at work and later more PETs appear in various places in the prison.
The robbers build a working model of the bank to plan their raid, controlling it using a PET 2001.
The monitor, normally integrated into the rest of the machine, has been detached.
In order to track down the gang Hannibal plants a gun on them that emits a homing signal that the team track using equipment that includes a PET keyboard.
An renegade general has a secret base in the desert and a PET lurks in its control room.
The research facility has a couple of PET computers.
Hacked up PETs are used as glorified fax machines in the city.
PETs appear on the Delta Defense Grid, and as a "vidi-screen" in the sick bay of the Searcher.
Buck's suspicions are raised when he sees the green aura on the vidi-screen.
A PET in the 25th century, displaying colour video?
Forest has a Commodore PET at a museum piece in his office.
There is a PET in the offices of Professor Denzil Dexter.
Peter's father has a Commodore PET in his office.
Rudy is told to become editor of a new newspaper for the base and is given a Commodore Pet to write it with.
The chief of the local television station has a PET, unused in the corner of his office.
Pet 2001s appear at the 1977 West Coast Computer Faire.
The Secret Service use a Commodore PET to map the location of video cameras around the armoured car.
Bonnie and the Foundation's top scientists rebuild Kitt using an array of equipment including a PET 2001.
The hijacker uses a mobile communications system to talk to his cronies which is controlled by a PET 2001 keyboard.
In the "Maths" episode, a Pet (a "computerised toaster") is offered as a prize in a competition.
The PET is shown at the beginning of the episode where Peter Packard programs it to display "Look Around Yog".
The program is written rather too quickly on that chicklet keyboard.
Prime Minister Aziz has a Commodore Pet in his office.
A Pet appears at U.N.C.L.E.'s new headquarters.
This Pet is a polished silver colour, which is not authentic.
The Pet (I can't be sure of the model, but my guess is the original 2001) is part of Kirk's antique collection.
Would it really still be working after 300 years?
It is there, in the background!
The Pet lies unused as set decoration in the lab.
This is 1985, not 1977!
Supertrain's navigational computer is a PET 2001.
A Commodore PET appears at New Brunswick head office.
One of Maxwell Lord's investors has a PET 2001 on his desk.
The CIA receive messages from field operatives using a portable radio system that includes a PET keyboard.