Pan Kleks w kosmosie (1988)
On its way to the orphanage the computer is driven passed a computer store where an Atari 65XE responds to its presence by displaying messages of greeting.

The Atari 65XE (with 64KB RAM) and the 130XE (with 128KB RAM) were late entries in Atari's eight-bit family of computers, primarily aimed at Eastern European markets.
•Pan Kleks w kosmosie (1988) •Quando Alice ruppe lo specchio (1988) •Ucieczka z kina "Wolnosc" (1990)
On its way to the orphanage the computer is driven passed a computer store where an Atari 65XE responds to its presence by displaying messages of greeting.
Lester's bookie uses an Atari 130XE to record bets on horses.
There is an eight-bit Atari in the offices of the censor.