Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 1, Episode 8, "I, Robot... You, Jane" (1999)
Student Dave comes under Moloch's spell via his Toshiba T1000.

Released in 1987, this was possibly the first laptop, ie a portable computer that one could actually use on their lap. Unusually for a MS-DOS machine, it came with DOS 2.11 on ROM.
•Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 1, Episode 8, "I, Robot... You, Jane" (1999) •Dark Season - Season 1 (1991) •Hider in the House (1989) •The Librarians - Season 3, Episode 1, "And the Rise of Chaos" (2016)
Student Dave comes under Moloch's spell via his Toshiba T1000.
The Tosh acts as an Abyss computer that is given to every child in the school.
The Abyss box label says that it's a 386, which isn't true, but the blinding white light that takes over the mind of the user is perhaps the greater use of artistic license.
Mr Dreyer uses a Toshiba T1000 for his work.
The God of Chaos seizes control of a submarine and attempt to blow up the museum. The Librarians try to stop him using the submarine's T1000 computer.