Camp Nowhere (1994)
A representative from the computer camp shows Morris' Dad a video about the camp that shows a child using an Apple IIGS.

This machine was the most powerful in the Apple II range, offering a 16-bit 65C816 processor, colour graphics at a time when the Mac was still monochrome, and advanced wave-table sound.
•Camp Nowhere (1994) •Desperate Hours (1990) •Hackers (1995) •Kindergarten Cop (1990) •The Laughing Dead (1989) •Trancers II (1991)
A representative from the computer camp shows Morris' Dad a video about the camp that shows a child using an Apple IIGS.
Zack Cornell has an Apple IIGS in his bedroom.
Joey uses his IIGS to break into the Ellingson Mineral Corporation and steal part of a garbage file.
The garbage file hides evidence of Eugene's plot, and he convinces the Secret Service to arrest Joey and his cohorts.
This machine displays graphical capabilities way beyond what the Apple is capable of.
There is an Apple IIGS in the kindergarten classroom.
Dr Um-tzec has an Apple IIGS in his office that he uses to calculate the timings of his murderous rituals.
Jack's new wife, Lena, uses her IIGS to research Greenworld Associates.