The A-Team - Season 2, Episode 15, "The Battle of Bel Air" (1984)
Working undercover in a security company, Tawnia finds information about the A-Team by hacking into the security computer, a machine that includes GE 635 panels.

The GE-635 was a 36-bit mainframe computer built in the 1960s and was known for running the Dartmouth Time Sharing System , the first successful large-scale time-sharing operating system to be implemented.
•The A-Team - Season 2, Episode 15, "The Battle of Bel Air" (1984) •Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Season 1, Episode 5, "The Plot to Kill a City: Part 2" (1979) •Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Season 1, Episode 11, "Cruise Ship to the Stars" (1979) •Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Season 1, Episode 13, "Happy Birthday, Buck" (1980) •The Cannonball Run (1981) •Forbidden World (1982) •Galaxy of Terror (1981) •Hangar 18 (1980) •Invitation to Hell (1984) •The Return of the Living Dead (1985) •Serenity (2005) •Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan (1982) •The Terror Within (1989) •Wrong Is Right (1982)
Working undercover in a security company, Tawnia finds information about the A-Team by hacking into the security computer, a machine that includes GE 635 panels.
GE-635 panels play the part of the control system in the antimatter power station that the terrorists try to blow up.
GE 635 panels appear in the Disposal room of The Lyran Queen where the kidnapped woman is held.
Dr Huer's nemesis Colonel Traeger attempts to get his itinerary from a courier with the help of psychiatrist Dr Bayliss, who has GE 635 panels in her offices controlling her equipment.
The high-tech Suburu car is equipped with a computer made with GE 635 panels.
Colby's space craft is equipped with GE 635 panels that he and his trusty robot use to escape an attack.
The Quest is controlled by a number of GE-635 panels.
GE 635 panels appear at NORAD as part of the computer system that is used to track the alien ship as it crashes in the Arizona desert.
The lab in which Matt develops his space suite is equipped with GE 635 panels.
The military colonel responsible for the recovery of the experiment has a computer system in his home for communications purposes, including a GE 635 panel.
The panel is mounted sideways.
GE 635 panels appear has part of Serenity's on board computer.
GE-635 panels play the part of the Enterprise's shield system.
GE 635 panels make up the computer system of the Mojave bunker and a Gargoyle is eventually killed using a fan controlled by the computer.
GE 635 panels appear in a number of places including the TV news headquarters, the CIA headquarters and the terrorist's lair.