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Apple Macbook Pro

Introduced in 2006, the Macbook Pro was a replacement of Apple's Powerbook G4 and was the first Apple professional laptop to use an Intel processor.

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Fortress (2021)

Paul has a Macbook Pro containing details about his crypto company that he uses to try and persuade his dad to give him a loan.

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Furry Vengeance (2010)

Dan uses his Macbook Pro to show of progress of the project's development to his boss and his son Tyler also has a Macbook Pro that he uses to communicate with his friends back in Chicago.

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Gone (2012)

Jill uses her Macbook Pro to research locksmiths after hearing that a locksmith's van had been seen in front of her house during the night.

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Killers (2010)

Spencer uses his Macbook to receive instructions from his spy-masters and later he and Jen go through a colleague's Macbook looking for evidence after he turns out to be a hired killer.

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Oldboy (2013)

Joe and Chucky try to track down Joe's kidnappers by researching people Joe feels may hold him a grudge on the internet using Chucky's Macbook Pro.

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Sinister (2012)

Ellison uses his Macbook Pro extensively in his work, for online research and video calls and for examining film of the killings.

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